Water deeply, and not too frequently. Newly planted trees and shrubs need to be watered weekly through the fall.
Check container plants for water needs daily.
Continue to deadhead perennials as the flowers fade. Deadheading and pruning perennials keeps the garden tidy and extends bloom time. Plants such as geranium, salvia, nepeta and daylily will regrow fresh new foliage and often rebloom after being cut back significantly.
Divide crowded Bearded Irises and trim the foliage to 6" high.
Fertilize roses around Independence Day.
Cut back excess growth on Wisteria. Prune this years’ growth back to 6” and remove any un-needed shoots from the main stem.
If pruning a hedge, remember to keep it wider at the base so light can reach all parts of the shrub. Also prune deep into the shrub to encourage new growth in the interior.
As with bulbs, leave the foliage of poppies until they turn yellow. Plant annuals in gaps left by bulbs after removing yellowed foliage.
Annual flowers are a great way to add color during the summer months when there are fewer perennials in bloom. They do need regular water, deadheading and fertilizer. Annuals will stop flowering if allowed to form seeds, so remove spent blossoms as they fade. Annuals flowers that are too numerous to remove individually, such as alyssum, can be sheared back with clipppers for rebloom. Feed with liquid fish emulsion every two weeks for an organic method.
Enjoy the fragrant scent of native Clethra in woodlands and your garden.
In the Veggie Garden:
Harvest veggies when they are small for the best flavor and increased productivity.
Keep herbs such as basil pinched back for a continuous supply all season. Flowers signal the slowing down of foliage, and regular pinching prevents this.
Fertilize long-season veggies, such as tomatoes, corn and onions in mid July.
Harvest some new potatoes in late July, but leave plants intact to allow for development of the main crop. Plant peas and spinach for a fall crop.
Harvest garlic, onions and shallots when 1/2 the leaves have turned brown.
If you have a problem with certain pests, spraying every 10 days or so with Captain Jack’s Dead Bug is an organic-approved method for controlling pests such as cabbage worms, zucchini borers, potato beetles.
Start seeds of broccoli, brussels sprouts and cabbage for a fall harvest.