Japanese Inspiration on Oak Island

Rue Sherwood Landscape Design

Rue Sherwood Landscape Design

Rue Sherwood Landscape Design

Rue Sherwood Landscape Design

Rue Sherwood Landscape Design

Rue Sherwood Landscape Design

Rue Sherwood Landscape Design

Rue Sherwood Landscape Design

Rue Sherwood Landscape Design
A new Japanese-inspired home on a marsh island, dominated by mature Oak & Hickory trees, called for terracing, stonework and planting design to integrate the architecture and landscape. Stone steps lead through terraces flanked by mature trees, and underplanted with colorful azaleas, Japanese Maples, dwarf conifers and herbaceous plantings. Native shrubs mark the edge of sensitive conservation area.
Project Team:
Architectural Design: Weatherall Design
Landscape Design: Rue Sherwood Landscape Design
Builder: Covenant Construction
Landscape Contractor: Jeffreys Creek Land Contractors